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EYFS Reception

Early Years Foundation Stage
Reception is the last year of 'Early Years Foundation Stage' (EYFS)
The EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development.  There are seventeen Early Learning Goals which are taken from seven areas of learning and they represent developmental milestones.
At Trimley St Mary we advocate independence, resilience and a love of learning in Early Years.  Our curriculum is taught through a cross curricular approach.  The children explore and learn within the continuous provision inside and outside which is regularly updated to engage and inspire curiosity.  Our children learn through a balance of child-led experiences and adult-led activities.
Welcome to EYFS
Our big question this term is:
Would you rather live in a hot or cold place?
Mrs E Garnham

Acorn & Conker Classes

Hi, my name is Mrs Garnham and I am excited to embark on the role of EYFS Lead. It is an amazing reward to be a part of the beginning of the children's learning journeys. My focus is to support independence and inspire a love of learning!

Mrs E Marsh

Conker Class

Hello, my name is Mrs Marsh. I have been teaching in EYFS for a very long time and would not like to be anywhere else. It is so fantastic to play a small part in watching the children settle and grow into school life. To see their personalities and interest flourish and to see their confidence and independence grow and the excitement they have when they learn something new.

Mrs E Ryan

Acorn Class

Hello, my name is Mrs Ryan. I am very excited to be teaching the Acorn class this year. I really enjoy teaching in EYFS, it is a privilege to be part of children's first experiences of school and to encourage a love of learning. I like to promote children's independence in learning and love reading a good story.