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Committee Structure

The governing body is responsible, with the Headteacher, for ensuring that the school complies with all legal requirements and for deciding how the school should develop in order to maintain and improve its standards of education.  Governors meet formally, once each term, to consider a wide range of issues from government and the LEA, together with many from within school, such as policies and procedures which have to be written and approved.
Additionally, governors arrange informal meetings at least once each term at which issues of current interest to the school can be discussed.
To further enhance Governors' understanding of the curriculum and the way the school operates, each governor is offered the opportunity to take a special interest in an area of the curriculum, a class or a year group.

We meet throughout the year to oversee the management of the school; helping to drive school improvement and ensure full educational opportunities are provided for every child. Our core functions are to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction; to hold the headteachers to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, ensuring all children make good progress from their starting point and to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent. The role of the Governing Body is often described as acting as a ‘critical friend’.

Governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to the governing board and schools benefit greatly from working with skilled volunteers, for example, anyone with experience of finance, law, education, premises management or human resources.

We all report into the Full Governing Body, and we organise ourselves through working committees and individual governor focus areas to ensure that we can manage our responsibilities in the key areas of Safeguarding, Equality, Curriculum Development, Policies, Resources, Premises, Health and safety, Finance and Personnel in the most efficient and effective way.

As well as a committee role, each governor has a subject link e.g., Maths, English, Science etc. This helps give focus to our monitoring role when we visit the school.